Monday, May 28, 2007

What is global warming

Global warming is the increasing in the average temperature of the Earth. It became a big major problem now, and that is because there are many harmful effects of it. I’m going to explain some causes and effects.

The global warming it is caused by the high average of gases in earth’s air. It is also because of the pollution that is caused by human, like factories gases and cars pollution. Another cause is the green house, because it blocking the heat from going to the space.

One major effect of global warming is the polar ice melting, and that leads to raise the sea level. Another major effect is the global warming causes more powerful storms in the earth. Last but not least, the global warming cause heat wave that leads to death in some countries that not used to that average of high temperature.

To conclude, global warming is the major problem in the earth now, and it needs to get solutions soon or it will cause more problems in the future.